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Current Leadership

Taylor Winkleman

Dr. Taylor Winkleman is the 2019-2020 Coordinator of the Next Generation Global Health Security Network. She has a doctorate in veterinary medicine and a masters in public health policy and management from the University of Georgia and completed an American Association for the Advancement of Science Congressional Fellowship in 2016-2017. Actively involved in the GHSA community since 2014, she has traveled to Uganda, Vietnam, Taiwan. New Zealand, and Germany while working on public health issues. She currently works in the bio threats field as a contractor.  


Jessica Smrekar

Jessica is an early career analyst, specializing in bolstering global health security and strengthening biosecurity policy and emergency preparedness and response. She received a Master’s of Science in Biodefense from George Mason University and is currently working to promote and advance the NextGeneration in its mission to bolster the incoming generation of global health security experts. Jessica is currently working as an analytic aide through CNA in the DC local response to the COVID-19 pandemic. .

Deputy Coordinator of Media Outreach

Anthony Falzarano

Anthony Falzarano is the Deputy Communications Coordinator for the NextGen Network and an Emergency Preparedness Planner at the Ohio Department of Health, where he supports  implementation of the CDC's Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant and provides subject matter expertise on Biodefense. Prior to joining ODH, Anthony worked for the Center for Global Security Research where he studied health security implications of US foreign policy and supported assessment of US adversaries' biological weapons capabilities in the Middle East.


Anthony holds an MS in Biodefense from George Mason University and a BS in Environmental Microbiology from The Ohio State University. He was first introduced to GHSA during his graduate studies at George Mason University, having attended the 4th Ministerial meeting in Kampala, Uganda and subsequently researched health capacity building in Haiti. In his spare time, Anthony is engaged in local politics and enjoys learning scientific data visualization.

Deputy Coordinator of Communications

Kate Kerr

Kate is passionate about the intersections of biodefense, transnational crime, and WMD. She currently works as a consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton, supporting the Department of Defense. Within GHSA, she happily manages the Mentoring Program, which was instrumental in shaping her own career. When spare time is available, Kate can be found in the gym or meeting every dog on the national monuments.

Deputy Coordinator for External Development

Stephen Taylor

Bio coming soon!

Deputy Coordinator of Internal Development

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Regional Leadership

Regional Leader Bios Coming Soon!

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