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2019 NTI Biosecurity Competition

The competition is closed. Congratulations to the winners and stay tuned for the winning papers!

Partnership with NTI|Bio


NTI | bio is partnering with the Next Generation Global Health Security (GHS) Network to advance the biosecurity and biosafety-related targets of the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA). Together, we are launching the third annual joint competition to foster a biosecurity professional track within the Next Generation GHS Network. The 2019 competition will spur next generation experts in health security to discuss catalytic actions that can be taken to reduce biological risks associated with advances in technology and promote biosecurity norms.

2019 Focus

This Year

For the 2019 Next Generation for Biosecurity Competition, we will publish creative and innovative papers that promote regional, multi-sectoral, and global collaboration.  Each team can include up to three people and should: 1) explore concrete collaborative actions that can be taken to build national, regional, and global norms for preventing deliberate and/or accidental biological events; and 2) promote cross-sectoral and cross-regional partnerships to advance biosecurity and biosafety. Papers should directly address the biosecurity targets included within the World Health Organization Joint External Evaluation and the GHSA Action Package on Biosecurity and Biosafety (APP3).

To Compete


To participate in the competition all applicants must be either enrolled at an academic institution or working as a professional in the biosecurity and biosafety fields. At least one-third of team members must be part of the Next Generation GHS Network -- to join, click here. The deadline for submissions is September 17, 2019 at midnight EDT.

Need a team? Once you have completed this form, you may find potential teammates with similar interests here.

For all other inquiries, please submit a question here. We will answer frequently asked questions during a webinar on August 20, 2019.  Additional information will be provided at a later date.

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